Location Specific Rules And Regulations
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Cache Rescuers
Welcome to Caching !
Wisconsin Chapter "A" is setting off to establish a new pass-time for all GWRRA
Wisconsin members to enjoy!
What is Caching ?
Caching is a modern day spin off of a worldwide game of
hiding and seeking treasure known as Geocaching. A Cacher (you) can place a
Cache somewhere in Wisconsin , pinpoint its location using GPS technology and
then share the Cache’s existence and location online. Anyone with a GPS unit
can then try to locate the Cache.
What is the meaning of the word Geocaching?
The word Geocaching refers to GEO for geography, and to CACHING, the process of
hiding a cache. A cache in computer terms is information usually stored in
memory to make it faster to retrieve, but the term is also used in
hiking/camping as a hiding place for concealing and preserving provisions.
Coordinates are normally given in Latitude and Longitude.
With signals from four satellites, a GPS receiver can get a more accurate fix
that includes altitude and the exact time, as well as latitude and longitude.
The more satellite signals the receiver reads, the more accurate the position it
reports to you.
How do I use a GPS unit for Caching ?
In order to go Caching , you will need to understand how to enter waypoints
into your GPS device. If you have any questions, try the online forums. There is
always someone ready to help.
All you need is a GPS and coordinates to a specific cache location. Seems pretty
easy, it is deceptively easy. It is one thing to know where a location is shown
on a map; it is another to actually try to arrive at that location. The object
of Caching is to first remember to respect the environment and practice Cache
In Trash Out along the way. Also remember we will usually be hunting the caches
by motorcycle, so all caches should be placed in easy to get to places, but out
of sight from the general public. Places like rest areas, fast food parking
lots, Visitor centers, meeting places, etc.
What are the rules in Caching ?
1.If you take something from the cache, leave something of equal or greater
value. Usually nothing worth more than $1.00, items like a Chapter Rally pin or
small mascot toys are perfect.
2.Write about your find in the cache logbook if one is provided at the find
3.Send your cache location to the Chapter Director and they will have them
entered into a spreadsheet on the Chapter Web site so that other members can
find them and continue the fun.
What is usually in a cache?
In its simplest form, a cache sometimes contains a logbook. The logbook contains
information from the owner of the cache, notes from visitors and can contain
much valuable, rewarding, and entertaining information. In smaller caches, a
log-sheet may be used. Larger caches may contain a logbook and any number of
more or less valuable items. These items turn the cache into a true treasure
hunt. You never know what the owner or other visitors of the cache may have left
there for you to enjoy. Remember, if you take something, it is only fair for you
to leave something in return. It is recommended that items in a cache be
individually packaged in a clear, zipped plastic bag to protect them from the
What should not be placed in a cache?
People of all ages hide and seek caches, so think carefully before placing an
item into a cache. Explosives, ammunition, knives, drugs and alcohol should not
be placed in a cache. Respect the local laws.
Food items are always a bad idea. Animals have better noses than humans, and in
some cases caches have been chewed through and destroyed because of food items
in a cache. Please do not put food or candy in a cache.
Where are caches found?
It is common for Cachers to hide caches in locations that are important to
them, reflecting a special interest of the cache owner. These unique locations
on the planet can be quite diverse. Make sure to read the cache descriptions
carefully. Caches may be located in cities both above and below ground, and
outside of buildings. Even the skilful placement of a small logbook in an urban
environment may be quite challenging to find even with the accuracy of a GPS.
Have fun and remember to share your Caching experiences with fellow members.
Can I move a cache once I find it?
Do not move a cache from its original location. If you feel that the cache may
not be located in the correct location, please email the Chapter Director (CD)
directly to inform of the more accurate GPS coordinate. It is an owner’s
responsibility to maintain cache placement.
How do I hide a cache?
Before considering your first Cache hide, we suggest you go to and try to find a variety of caches in your area to familiarize
yourself with the activity. Geocaching is just like real estate - location,
location, location! It is common for Cachers to hide caches in locations that
are important to them, reflecting a special interest of the cache owner. These
unique locations on the planet can be quite diverse. A prime camping spot, great
viewpoint, unusual location, etc. are all good places to hide a cache.
When thinking about where to place a cache, keep these things in mind:
•Does it meet all Caching requirements listed on the site? Make sure to
review these during your research. Issues of concern include cache saturation,
commerciality, solicitation and long-term cache maintenance.
•Did you consider accessibility? If it is too visible or too close to busy roads
and trails, there is a good chance someone may stumble upon it by accident. It
is best to place a cache just off trail to preserve the environment but keep it
out of sight of people casually passing by.
•Did you seek permission from the land owner or manager?
Will the location placement cause unnecessary concern?
Please use common sense when choosing a location for your cache. If you find a
problematic cache, please contact the CD directly.
What do I do if I find out that a cache has gone missing?
If you visit a cache location and the cache is missing, make sure to log the
cache as one that you "Did Not Find" so the cache owner is notified. Cache
owners who repeatedly receive "Did Not Find" logs should check to see that their
cache has not been removed.
If you are unsure whether the area you plan to place a cache is managed by the State or if you don't know who to contact for a particular piece of land, consult the web pages shown on the form. Some of these links can also be found on the State Of Wisconsin Managed Land Links wiki page.
Please include the following text on the cache page for caches hidden on DNR managed land:
The Geocache Notification Form has been submitted to <NAME OF LAND MANAGER> of the Wisconsin DNR. Geocaches placed on Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource managed lands require permission by means of a notification form. Please print out a paper copy of the notification form, fill in all required information, then submit it to the land manager. The DNR Notification form and land manager information can be obtained at:
City of Madison Parks: If you are placing a cache in a City of Madison park, permission must be obtained from from the City of Madison parks department prior to placing the cache. Please contact the WGA Madison parks liaison, Rhonda Veroeven (rveroeven <at> wi-geocaching <dot> com), for more information.
Please include the following text on the cache page for caches hidden in City of Madison parks:
Anyone wishing to place a cache in a city of Madison park must contact Rhonda Veroeven who will gain permission from Madison Parks representative. To contact Rhonda please email at rveroeven <at> wi-geocaching <dot> com or through WISearchers at GC dot com
Geocaching activity is only allowed in general parklands in the City of Madison and Geocaching activity is prohibited at: Forest Hill Cemetery, Olbrich Garden, City of Madison conservation parks, Odana Golf Course, Monona Golf Course, Yahara Golf Course, Glenway Golf Course and areas with identified Indian Mounds.
All geocachers will be respectful of all public parkland. No digging or penetration of ground surface will be permitted. Trees, shrubs and plants will not be disturbed or altered at any time.
Questions related to access, policies, regulation and protocol regarding geocaching in the City of Madison parks will be submitted to WGA liasion R. Veroeven who will report directly to James Weisnstock, Parks Operation Supervisor.
Prohibited Locations: Caches are not allowed in sensitive areas and never in the following specific properties:
Do not place the following items into caches:
When choosing a terrain rating, keep in mind the following guidelines:
What are you waiting for?
Collect a batch of Chapter or GWRRA items you are willing to part with and find
a safe place to hide them. Then share the GPS location with the CD to post on
the Chapters Web page for fellow GWRRA members to enjoy.
(We are not ready yet to start.)
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Completed Cache Rescue Missions
221 cache rescue missions have been completed to date
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