This should be interesting reading in case you think that the CAP only did
"their thing" during WWII. This excerpt is from the CAP
HOMELAND SECURITY REPORT web site. As you will be able to see many other states were able to contribute quite a bit of
Because of lack of funding WALCO-CAP was not able assist as much as it would have liked to because of having the lack of training materials & equipment. This is a big reason WALCO-CAP Squadron 184 needs our communities involvement with this fundraising effort. If a man-made or natural travesty happens in our area will we be able to get the much needed assistance for our own lives, our families lives, or our property when minutes or seconds make the difference? This is not to say that WALCO-CAP Squadron 184 will be the deciding factor here; but wouldn't it be a blessing to see one of the fully trained and equipped cadets aiding you in a time of need when maybe he or she was only seconds away? It will mean even more when you know that you helped in his or her training and gave to supply the necessary equipment that is being used to help you at this crucial moment.
I, the designer of these pages, can say these facts from experience. A car hit my motorcycle when I was down in Alabama many years ago (1972) and after a few minutes of people driving past, not wanting to "get involved", a young Civil Air Patrol cadet (16 years old) was in his car with his family and was able to call for professional medical assistance and offer emergency first aid which greatly helped in my speedy recovery.
Also see - History of Civil Air Patrol
(LINKED FROM THIS PAGE) NOTICE: After talking to about 100 people in different chat rooms around the United States, it's sad to say but the Civil Air Patrol was not mentioned (to anyone's recollection) over the news as far as their assistance goes on this fateful day - 09/11/2001)
- Volunteer CAP members from the North Carolina Wing transported 50 cases of blood from Raleigh, NC to the American Red Cross facility in Baltimore, MD, on September 11th.
- State officials from Florida tasked Florida Wing members to monitor the state airports and provide advisories to pilots at uncontrolled fields of the flight restrictions in place – 61 airports/284 CAP personnel were used. Florida also provided transportation to government officials, as needed.
- Volunteer CAP members in California provided air transportation to government officials.
- Members of CAP’s New Mexico Wing were placed on alert for blood transport flights.
- Kentucky Wing members answered the call for help by flying blood platelets from Kentucky to New Jersey on the afternoon of September 11th.’
- Members of the Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island wings flew 12 sorties and delivered 3,000 pounds of blood and medical supplies to JFK Airport for delivery to Mount Sinai Hospital.
- The Idaho Wing transported blood and medical supplies to California and Nevada for the American Red Cross.
- Volunteer CAP members of the Virginia Wing manned the state Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
- The Pennsylvania Wing provided manpower and communications support to the Allegheny County Emergency Management Agency and FEMA’s mobile EOC. They were also on standby to provide aerial imaging to authorities of the crash site of the fourth plane
- CAP personnel from the North East Region provided communications and coordination support to the FEMA Region 1 Regional Operations Center.
- South Carolina CAP personnel provided communications support to the state EOC.
- FEMA Region III placed Delaware Wing members on a one-hour, rapid-response standby.
- The New York Wing flew a mission on September 12th for the state to take digital photos of disaster site in New York and provided communications and manning support to the state EOC.
- Georgia Wing transported robotic supplies from Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Georgia to Hanscom Air Force Base in Massachusetts for robots used by the U.S. Army at the disaster site.
- Illinois Wing members assisted local airports that had commercial flights diverted into them and were not prepared to handle them. CAP aircrews were placed on standby for additional support.
- Louisiana Wing flew missions for the U.S. Coast Guard District 8 to support the U.S. Coast Guard’s efforts to secure the deep-water ports of Beaumont, Port Arthur TX and Lake Charles LA.
- Maryland Wing members assisted the North Carolina Wing by providing lodging for their personnel transporting supplies to Baltimore, and manned the state EOC and provided communications support.
- Michigan Wing provided manpower and communications support to the state EOC and was prepared and expected to fly real-time video imaging missions.
- Oregon Wing provided transportation for blood and blood samples from Portland to Los Angeles and San Diego via relay with the California wing.
- Pacific Region alerted each of its wings, contacted each state governor to offer support, and established command posts in each wing with aircraft and crews on alert.
- Southeast Region alerted each of its wings to be on standby for additional support, and had personnel monitoring communications throughout the region, as needed.
- Tennessee Wing members flew camera equipment (real-time video system) to Trenton, NJ from McGhee-Tyson Air National Guard Base, TN and also expected to be flying blood transport flights.
- TexasWing was fully manned and prepared to fly blood transport missions.
- West Virginia Wing members provided manning and communications support to the state EOC.
- During September and October, the Puerto Rico Wing flew almost daily missions in support of increased port security requirements for the U.S. Coast Guard Greater Antilles Command.The missions provided daily reporting of marine vessel reconnaissance in the vicinity of pre-designated strategic coastal targets off the waters of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
- During September and October, the Puerto Rico Wing flew almost daily missions in support of increased port security requirements for the U.S. Coast Guard Greater Antilles Command.The missions provided daily reporting of marine vessel reconnaissance in the vicinity of pre-designated strategic coastal targets off the waters of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
a characteristic that shouts success and enthusiasm. The world carries the idea of the finesse of a ballerina and the tenacity of a junkyard dog. It's called volunteerism. That's what makes the country great; that's what makes the Civil Air Patrol great..."
Lt. General Jay W. Kelly
Former Commander, Air University
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama |
There are various programs and categories within WALCO Squadron 184 Civil Air Patrol
you may direct your donation to go to:
(This is alphabetical, NOT by need.)
- Aerospace Career Scholarships
- Aerospace Education
- Emergency Services
- Cadet Academic Scholarship
- Cadet Programs
- General Fund - (Office and classroom equipment etc.)
- Medical Supplies
- Pagers
- Powered Flight Scholarship
- Radio Equipment on CAP frequencies (136-174 MHz)
- Subsidize the cost of specialized training/travel
(Example: Summer Encampment)
- Web page hosting and registration
Our "wish", one day, would be able to acquire a new all-in-one
CCST (Command/Communication/Supply/Transport) vehicle which would be
designed and built by LDV out of Burlington, WI .

How does the Walworth County Civil Air Patrol help young people through life?
An auxiliary for the U.S. Air Force, CAP locally works from the National Guard Armory in Elkhorn,
Wisconsin. Cadets are 12 to 18 years old. The local CAP has cadets from throughout the county, plus 34 adult volunteers. Nationally, the program celebrated 60 years of existence as of 2001. This Squadron has a positive impact the program had on cadets and parents. It's a wonderful thing to see a young people, starting at 12 years old, and watch them grow and develop from a nervous person at a young age to a confident person that will someday, possibly, be heading our local government here in Elkhorn. It's wonderful to watch them go into the world and be successful. WALCO-CAP teaches organization, responsibility and the ability to work with others. Young people down the road become instructors. This gives them guidance and a chance to develop. We don't care if they go into a military uniform as long as they get their education and develop into a good respectable person.
Locally, the CAP conducts search-and-rescue work and provides ground support for federal, state and county agencies in emergencies such as flooding, tornados, or major catastrophes. CAP depends entirely on contributions from the public. There are no tax dollars, government funding or grants and it is tough. Cap is totally dependent on fundraisers, donations from corporations and individuals. You don't really know how important the CAP program is to the community until there is a disaster and you are able to appreciate what all the training has done for these cadets to help YOU out.
CAP is still the Air Force's best-kept secret and as an organization, CAP is being consistently being re-evaluated by the Air Force and the Department of Defense.

Here are a few ways of giving donations
The first way is sending a personal check HERE
Your name will be posted with the amount you donated and will be displayed on our Donors / Sponsors / Supporters page and will be stating which program (s) you directed your donation to.
Dominic Tusconi $250.00
To be used towards education materials and the general fund
Our Internet Web Page Fund Raiser
Walworth County Civil Air Patrol in conjunction with College Creations has designed the web pages to support our mission and help members parents and our community to be well informed.
Donors, Sponsors, and Supporters are needed to help pay for our overhead cost as described above.
To be fair to our supporters and sponsors we will have only ONE type of business per advertisement Example: No two shoe stores or hardware stores will advertise at the same time, in each of their respected categories but Culver's would not be considered competition to Perkin's even though they are both eatery's. While one is considered "fast food" the other is considered "dine-in".

This button ad will be displayed on our Donors / Sponsors / Supporters page and will be stating which
program (s) you directed your donation to be used for directly under the banner.
Your link will be there directing viewers to your page if you have one.
(Are you without a web page these days? Click here FOR A 10% DISCOUNT.)
This banner ad will be displayed on our Donors / Sponsors / Supporters page and will be stating which
program (s) you directed your donation to be used for directly under the banner.
Your link will be there directing viewers to your page if you have one.
(Are you without a web page these days? Click here FOR A 10% DISCOUNT.)
This is a great opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their support for a local youth program while gaining the deserved recognition for their support.
NOTICE: Any business that is a SUPPORTER and is in need of a web site will receive a 10% discount from College Creations. In addition to this College Creation will donate 10% of your total bill towards WALCO-CAP Squadron 184 towards their CCST vehicle or the general fund.
The Donors / Sponsors / Supporters page will be activated 6 months after starting the program. Today is October 2002 so it will be up by March 2003 if we get full cooperation. Names of Donors, Sponsors, and Supporters and their respected button or banner will be in the order, by date, the donation was made.
Please make all checks payable to and sent to: WALCO Squadron 184
401 Fair Ave
Elkhorn, WI 53121
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Walworth County's Civil Air Patrol's humanitarian and youth missions. The IRS has ruled that CAP and its subordinate units are exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This makes donations to CAP eligible for deductions from income by donors as "CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS" to the extent allowed by law. Verification of CAP's tax exempt status can be provided on request.